The Unexpected Cosmology

The Once and Future MacArthur - THE INTENT was to write a paper on New World Order occupied territory California governor Gavin Newsom’s family relations through marriage to Nancy “It’s not murder if the baby doesn’t leave the hospital” Pelosi. But then one thing led to another, as these things often go. For that we can probably thank the A.I. machine. […]

The JFK Assassination Was a Hoax: Frame 313 Exposed - FOR WHATEVER subconscious reason that I care not to evaluate here, I went with the unorthodox position of claiming Zapruder’s footage of the JFK assassination was a royal hoax before ever showing a shred of evidence for it. Historical proof of my methodology can be found here. Agent Zapruder. An entire week has gone by […]

The JFK Assassination Was a Hoax: Agent Zapruder Exposed - I DECIDED to go with a far more ambitious title than what I had originally intended, The Zapruder Film Is a Hoax. While it is absolutely true that the Zapruder film is a hoax, and I intend to prove that point, what I have come to find is that you can only plant so many […]

Elvis Gave Up Rock N’ Roll for the Gospel: The Art of Psychodrama - First Act: The Disappearing Trick   READERS SEND me bizarre researching tips all the time. Had they not, I suppose articles like this would not be possible. For example, I was sitting here staring at the swamp water outside my window, just minding my own business, probably sipping on coffee. It may have been thundering […]

Counterfeit Pentecost: Origins of the Tongue-Speak Deception - EVER SINCE first writing this article some two year ago, and then others like it, Pentecostals and Charismatics alike have protested my outing Charles Fox Parham as a Freemason on the basis that he was apparently no longer attending the local lodge when he started his “Full Gospel” ministry. How adorable. Mostly, they just succumb […]

Seriously, What Does It Matter If the Diary of Anne Frank Is a Hoax? - THE ANNE FRANK House in Amsterdam has made it abundantly clear that they will seek legal action against anyone who doubts the official narrative—which just so happens to be their narrative. It’s on their website. I’m only one or two sentences in, and already you should be planting your first Neil Armstrong moon flag on […]

Raise Your Child In Freemasonry with the Boy Scouts of America! - THE CLOSEST example that I could come up with is in the opening segment of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. ‘It’s kind of a western,’ I thought to myself, ‘in so much as it takes place in the American West, despite the fact that Boy Scouts fill each frame.’ If you’re already confused as […]

Spielberg Never Made a Spaghetti Western - AFTER FIVE consecutive decades of turning out Hollywood movies, I’m somewhat surprised that Steven Spielberg never got around to making an American western. Oh, haven’t you heard? Every meaningful Spielberg movie is based upon a lie. That’s my working theory, anyway. The list includes Schindler’s List, Lincoln, Munich, that entire beach scene in Saving Private […]

Ghislaine Maxwell Did Not Kill Herself - THE CORONER said it was suicide. But you and I know that Jeffrey Epstein did not kill himself. No guards were around. The little red light on every video camera was suspiciously turned off. Most will not recognize the irony. Epstein spent his life recording elite crimes. Those whom he blackmailed did not return the […]

More Family Relations In the Donner Party Hoax - THE STORY we are given is that James Frazier Reed quarreled with teamster John Snyder somewhere along the Humboldt River after Snyder began beating his oxen with a whip handle. The days were hot, tempers short, and winter was soon upon them. It was October 6, 1846. When Reed intervened, Snyder slashed him across the […]