The Unexpected Cosmology

The AIDS Pandemic Is a Hoax: The Brutality of Psychodrama - AIDS ISN’T a disease, but a business of fear. It’s also a hoax, the purposes of which are alchemical. Disclaimer: I am not a doctor and have never stepped foot into a medical institution—thank Yah. Therefore, if my conclusions bother your worldview, then there are a million other media narratives to choose form in the […]

From JFK to Jonestown: Nobody Drank the Kool-Aid -   CAN YOU believe it? Writers block. It happens to all of us. I woke up at five this morning and set up shop at the keyboard but struggled for hours to move beyond the title, Nobody Drank the Kool-Aid. Mostly, I just sat here thinking about the temperature in Guyana this time of year, […]

From JFK to Jonestown: The Patty Hearst Kidnapping Was a Hoax - . EVERY SO often the CIA screws up. We have just taken the polar bear plunge into one such instance. Up to this point, the life of Colonel Louis West has mostly kept to a single movie genre, and that is drama. Let’s review. West was the driving force behind the MK-Ultra program, and now […]

From JFK to Jonestown: Bobby Kennedy’s Assassination Was a Hoax -   YOU’RE PROBABLY curious. That is why you returned. Our last meeting involved peering in upon the life of somebody named Colonel Louis Jocelyn West, puppet master extraordinaire. It ended on a cliffhanger. Or perhaps this is your first time and you haven’t the faintest clue what I am talking about. Either way, welcome. Here […]

From JFK to Jonestown: The Haight-Ashbury MK-Ultra Connection - I THOUGHT it might be a good idea to give the U.S. Constitution another good read, because really, you never know. I may have been lied to about that in school, right alongside the moon landings and the shape of the earth. I checked. Mr. Rupert was right, but just not about NASA or the […]

The Children of Cain and Grace Slick: A Genealogy of Royal Spooks -   THE SUBJECT of this paper primarily deals with the children of Cain. You shall see why in a moment. The children of Cain can first be discovered in Genesis chapters 4-6, and the short of it is this. Eve bore Cain through Ha-Satan. Yes, I am finally coming out of the closet and admitting […]

The Mamas and The Papas Were Spooks -   BELIEVE IT or not, this paper is intended as a prelude to the Manson family murder hoax. What you are currently reading came about on the mere basis that I decided to do some digging into the Sharon Tate and Roman Polanski movie set house, and far too many familiar names, whom I’d never […]

Matching the Bullet with the Gun that Killed Phil Hartman - EVERY SO often I write a spin-off paper, kind of like how the Ewok movies were spin-offs of the Star Wars Trilogy, and this is one of them. Our initial source material involves somebody named Vito Paulekas. The good news is, if you don’t know who Vito is, you will still be able to follow […]

The Sacred Geometry of Baseball: A Masonic Ritual - AN ARTICLE on baseball would never be complete without mention of my father. I don’t know why. Perhaps this is another shrink issue and I should altogether stop writing articles on my hangups over the fact that we’re being lied to about everything. Sure, he took me to Dodgers and Angels games as a child, […]

Every U.S. Presidential Election Is a Royal Hoax - UNDENIABLE PROOF that the War for Independence was a psyop against the American people is the mere fact that every single U.S. President, starting with Master Mason George Washington in 1789, has directly descended from European monarchs. To put this in slightly different terms, America never abandoned the British crown. Elections are a flamboyantly royal […]