WATCHING A DISGRACED 81 YEAR-OLD BILL COSBY—holding his cane while handcuffed and led to prison for what may prove to be the remainder of his life—brought me absolutely no satisfaction. His crime is certainly not justifiable by any social or moral standard. The...
“Accepting Christ…” The Eternal Elixir of Easy Believism (aka the Hole in the Bridge Where Millions Fall Through)
ACCEPTING CHRIST…HERE IS “THE HOLE IN THE BRIDGE where millions fall through,” warned A.W. Tozer. To the astonishment of a great many people, “accepting Christ” as a choice of wording cannot be found anywhere in the Bible—nor can the “heart invitation” which has...
“She Went Chipping Rocks with a Small Geological Hammer” | Highly Educated—M. A. Buxton (a Flat Earth Poem)
MISS PALLAS EUDORA VON BLURKY Who didn’t know chicken from turkey, High Spanish and Greek She could fluently speak. But her knowledge of poultry was murky. She could name the great-uncle of Moses, The dates of the Wars of the Roses, The reason of things....
He Found the Oracle of Tomorrow: Copernicus, Meet Hypatia
SOME SAY the dark ages began that very day. On the streets of Alexandria a mob of Christian zealots led by Peter the Lector apprehended a woman as she boarded her chariot—having only finished the days lecture at the University—and dragged her into a nearby church,...
Revisiting the Mandela Effect (aka Rants & Ravings from the Check-Out Aisle of the Piggly Wiggly)
ODYSSEUS PLUGGED the ears of his sailors with a healthy helping of beeswax, ordering that he remain bound to the mast while they rowed closer to shore. This was all done so that he alone could digest the song of the Sirens. Otherwise, he might bray contradictory...
Why Must the Aliens Arrive?
NOT A WEEK PASSES WITHOUT BEING ASKED this question (in various forms), “Do you think the aliens are coming---and more importantly, when are they coming?” So let me finally put down in print as public record what I’ve been answering repeatedly for the last several...
“TRUE STORY LIVE” with special guest Noel J Hadley
GREETINGS FROM CALIFORNIA'S CENTRAL COAST! My gratitude goes out to Jason Cripps and Brenda Hoffman Szab for inviting me onto their radio show, "True Story Live." It went down Sunday night, and I was actually chased out of the fifth-wheel by my boys. But that's okay....
Silver Chord = Silver Slippers… Cruel God = Humbug Wizard… | L. Frank Baum’s Transmissions from Oz (Part 2)
A DREARY KANSAS LANDSCAPE, MYSTICAL CYCLONE, and conscious-driven journey down the yellow brick road. It all adds up. L. Frank Baum’s The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is an allegorical tale---albeit a subconscious one, arguably---outlining the soul’s path beyond the...
“….To Remain in Ignorance….” Or Seek “That Mysterious Fountain-head from which Emanates All That Is Incomprehensible in Nature” | L. Frank Baum’s Transmissions from Oz (Part 1)
OCCULTISM SELLS, NOW MORE THAN EVER. Not that it's ever been out of print, per say. After all, occultism is a provable cockroach, and can thrive not only in the chilling darkness---once it is rightfully swatted away from the daylight---but could and most certainly...
Isaac Watts & Biblical Geocentricism in “My God, Who Makes the Sun to Know”
ISAAC WATTS IS GIVEN THE NAME "GODFATHER of English Hymnody" for good reason. Though a minister, writer, theologian, and logician of the 18th century, he is credited with penning some 750 hymns before his death. I only recently stumbled upon "My God, Who Makes the Sun...
“Fire from Heaven…” Playing the Part of Lot’s Wife on Flat Earth
MY HEART BETRAYS ME. If I were trying out for a part in male-dominated Shakespearean times, I’d likely play the part of Lot’s wife with tremendous authority and conviction. I know what it is to stand in the blast zone and covet the worldly possessions which could not...
What Alice Found There (Part 4) | The Fourth Dimension: “Freeing the Intellect from the Shackles of the Actual”
WILLIAM HAMILTON WAS MAD AS A HATTER. Of course, so was a certain Theophilus Carter. The later was a furniture dealer residing near the Oxford of Carroll’s time. The fact that he was actually known by locals as the Mad Hatter, partly due to an obsession with his top...
A Plurality of Worlds | Thomas Paine —“the Celebrated Infidel”—and the Religion of Globe Earth
THERE IS NO REASON WHY MOST CHRISTIANS SHOULD BE BOTHERED to read the enlightenment humanist Thomas Paine except to validate what they have already sanctioned and celebrated of heathen society in their own minds. They have accepted perjury as truth, and in turn have...
Mums the Word | The Littlest Dinosaur of India (It Bought a One-Way Ticket On the Nine-To-5)
THAT DINOSAURS AND MEN WERE CONTEMPORARIES on Earth is a fact which our educators would be wise to acknowledge. When a young formidable mind chances to notice something of truth beyond the textbook, and recognizes it as such, the lies embedded within their lectures...
What Alice Found There (Part 3) | How the “Principle of Continuity” Transforms a Baby Into a Pig…Naturally
WHAT HAPPENS WHEN A TERRIBLE COOK DOUSES HER STEW with too much pepper? Well, if it has anything to do with projected geometry, particularly Lewis Carroll’s distrust of it, and the narrative unfolds in Wonderland, we follow such action to its logical conclusion. Let's...
The Greatest Truth…Our Greatest Threat…Is Not What “Truthers” Would Have You Believe #2 [Jesus Christ]
JESUS CHRIST WAS THE GREATEST PREACHER ON HELL who ever lived. He spoke of its nightmarish reality more than any other person in Holy Canon. He even brought it up more than He thought to mention his own hometown of heaven. And should the words of our Master be...
The Greatest Truth…Our Greatest Threat…Is Not What “Truthers” Would Have You Believe #1 [Charles Spurgeon]
CHARLES SPURGEON DESERVES TO GO TO HELL. He earned his place there, and so have you. It is a well-known yet little accepted fact that we all have earned it. The Bible couldn’t make this any clearer. For the wages of sin is death. Sayeth Spurgeon, the Prince of...
What Alice Found There (Part 2) | “Keep Your Temper”—A Reaction to Absurdity
IF WONDERLAND HAD A MAXIM, IT MIGHT READ: reductio ad absurdum, which, when translated from the Latin, means "reduction to absurdity.” In philosophical logic as well as mathematics, it is a form of argument quite familiar with Euclid’s proofs and which attempts to...
What Alice Found There (Part 1) | This Side of the Science Delusion: Lewis Carroll’s Adventures in a Wonderland of Imaginary Numbers
WHAT MIGHT CAUSE THE CHESHIRE CAT TO VANISH of everything but its grin? An increasing abstraction in mathematical discipline would surely be to blame, naturally. To claim that each of us inhabit Wonderland will come as no surprise to some of you. Perhaps the far more...
Jesus Trip > Mushrooms + Tea (Phil’s Testimony)
I WAS SOMEWHAT TAKEN BACK BY THE NOTE a reader left me in response to some of my recently written essays on the exploration of space, both inner and outer, and other religious trips through the use of DMT. As you may or may not know, the subject of my next Flat Earth...
“Vain Imaginations…” [Noel Hadley, Hyperspace & Flat Earth Ecumenism…]
NOT SO LONG AGO I CONFESSED TO A NEWFOUND ACQUAINTANCE my admiration for Mel Stuart's Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. But more on that in a moment. Suffice to say I was initially taken back to see my name included in the title of a YouTube video---more-so...
Flat Is Not the New Round, It’s the Original (Getting to Know Thew Long)
THE PLEASURE OF MEETING THEW LONG and so many other wonderful men and women at the Flat Earth International Conference 2017 has been all mine. If I've put off talking about FEIC17, it's simply because I haven't found the right words to say. Believe me, plenty has been...
“Deer’s Cry” | The Prayer of Saint Patrick
I ARISE to-day Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity, Through belief in the Threeness, Through confession of the oneness, Of the Creator of Creation. I arise to-day Through the strength of Christ’s birth with His baptism, Through the strength of His...
“Avoid Science Falsely So Called” Has Arrived!
HOW CHRISTIANITY HAS COLLECTIVELY COME TO AGREE with an academic Scientism which claims it knows better than God, I cannot say. But this is the soggy marsh by which we’ve fooled ourselves into building God’s kingdom upon, having conceded to the itching ears and...
The Holy Spirit Is Alive and Well in FLAT EARTH, and He Sends His Greetings
I AM EITHER A BRAVE OR VERY STUPID MAN for agreeing to pen these series of books, as I am still not so old that I shan’t have a few blissful decades left, that is, if I hadn’t done this deed and attached my name to it. I do however see a glaring error in the church—in...
The Shape of the Earth in the Age to Come | Satan’s Final Global Deception
THE BAD NEWS FIRST, SATAN IS TO BE RELEASED FROM PRISON. This---after he is gladly disposed of and the key is thrown. But we won’t have to worry about that for at least another thousand years, shall we? So now for the good news. Satan is to be defeated once and for...
The Prostitute Next Door | My Life & Times With the Woman At the Well
MOST PEOPLE DON'T KNOW THIS about me, but for nearly a decade of my adult life I was a nation-wide renowned wedding photographer. I rarely talk about it anymore. History has moved on without me; it is by my own decision and design---and I am gratefully forgotten....
Biblical Literalists Are the New “Apostates”—My Prayers Go Out | Reflections in Flat Earth from Charleston, SC
MY WIFE AND I LIVE NOW ON WHAT USED TO BE a slave plantation here in Charleston, South Carolina. The actual plantation home, which is older than our country (17th Century), neighbors our own. In fact, the magnificent tree-lined street of grand oaks, each branch...
“In the Beginning Was the Word”—In Other Words, All Things Were Made By Him, Including FLAT EARTH | Reflections in Flat Earth from Niagara Falls
FOR THE AVERAGE "CHRISTIAN," GOD IS A TERRIBLY DULL and boring sort of person to have around. By their own admission, he or she cares only for the free gift of salvation which God offers to them. This I am constantly reminded of by their insistence not to be bothered...
King Og Lets His Hatred of King Nimrod Be Known | “The Lost Book of King Og”—a synopsis #1
“THESE ARE THE LAST AND ONLY WORDS SPOKEN BY OG THE REPHAIM as told to Onzal the Slayer of the Smaller Selves before Baal.” So begins the most blasphemous ancient document that I’ve ever read. From its opening lines King Og wants everyone to know of his pathetic...