22 And Zillah, she also bare Tubal-Qayin, an instructor of every artificer in brass and iron: and the sister of Tubal-Qayin was Na’amah. Bere’shiyth (Genesis) 4:22 [Cepher]KIND of a strange passage, don’t you think? Moshe goes out of his way to mention Na’amah as the...
The Birth of Noah: Man or Angel?
WOULDN’T you know it, even Noah may have been born of an immaculate conception. My latest discovery falls in the heels of a recent paper, The Once and Future Jerusalem. I will ask you to give it a read before venturing on, but as a refresher, we gleaned that the city...
Genesis 6: Sons of Seth or Sons of Elohim? (A New Perspective)
YOU sat in the office of your church pastor attempting to make a case for angels having sex with the daughters of men and then weaning hungry giant babies with them, but he wouldn’t hear of it. He paid for his indoctrination at the name of some random Masonic-Zionist...
The Two Creation Contradiction: Paradise and the Mountain of Worship
CONTRADICTIONS! Rome is trying to control your mind on paper! Get out now while there’s still time! LOL. The Bible supposedly begins that way, don’t it? With one big fat juicy contradiction. Not really, but let’s just go with the flow. You may have noticed it...
The Feminine Holy Spirit Hovering Over the Waters of Creation
ROSE shaded glasses. That’s what any of this really comes down to. And Latin. My entire life I believed that the Ruach Ha-Qodesh was a dude, but only because I was told by the boys down at Seminary to read it that way—despite overwhelming evidence to the...
The Once and Future Jerusalem and the First Melchizedek
Part 1 The City of Enoch HE wasn’t Shem. A certain percentage of you were probably thinking I’d say the first Melchizedek was Shem—didn’t you? You're probably angry now. You’re fed up. For whatever reason you mistook me as the spokesman for your...
Millennial Kingdom + Mud Flood and the Wastelands of the Seraphim
IN my last Millennial Kingdom + Mud Flood paper, I had purposely neglected to comment upon the seraphim dragons who escorted Chanok up to heaven. They make an appearance in the rather short text, ‘Account of Chanok’. If you need a refresher, everybody’s eyeballs...
Above Us Only Sky: John Lennon and the Homeless Guy Hoax
“I don’t believe in Beatles. I just believe in me. Yoko and me. The dream is over.” . John Lennon THE WIFE was away in California visiting her sister and the thought occurred to me to give Netflix the old college try—again. You probably needn’t pull out...
Superman’s Curse: The George Reeves Murder-Suicide Was a Hoax
A SHOT rang out. In the home of actor George Reeves, people frantically handed somebody else their martini glass and then tried to wake the naked couple in bed, though the police wouldn’t be called for nearly an hour. Earlier that evening, Reeves and his...
Der Golem and The Batman
The Batman BATMAN’s creator was born in New York City to Herman and Augusta Kahn. Sounds rather suspicious, being born in New York City and all. The Wikipedia lists his parents as “Eastern European Jewish descent.” I knew it. Moving on, we then read that...
The Pre-Adamic Age (It’s a Biblical Thing)
5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the Word of Elohiym the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: 6 Whereby the world that then was, being...
Baptism Begins: How To Become a Priest in the Kingdom of Heaven
HERE’S what I had initially set out to do. Research and present my findings on baptism as something not so dissimilar from the ongoing ritualistic washing intended for holy living that we find in Torah. You see, after so many consecutive years of cyclically reading...
Hidden Recipes: The Royal Genealogy of Julia Child
AT SOME point into my investigation of globe Earth, I happened upon a little-known fact. Julia Child was in the OSS. But until rather recently, nobody knew about it. Spook. We are told her career in the kitchen started over a plate of Sole Meunière at La...
Millennial Kingdom + Mud Flood and the Return of Rome
THE VATICAN is proof that Messiah’s Millennial Kingdom hasn’t happened yet. That’s what I’m often told. It’s simply not true though. Messiah’s Millennial Kingdom may very well have physically happened on Earth and the Vatican’s present existence doesn’t disprove it....
The Black Dahlia Hoax: Will the Real Elizabeth Short Please Stand Up?
Part 4 Will the Real Elizabeth Short Please Stand Up? . . WERE you expecting someone else? Probably not a princess. The Black Dahlia—that’s her. Elizabeth Short’s real name is Fawzia Fuad. She was the daughter of Fuad I, seventh son of Ismail the Magnificent of Egypt....
The Black Dahlia Hoax: George Hodel. Doctor of Evil. Actor.
Part 3 George Hodel. Doctor of Evil. Actor. UP until this point, I’ve purposely been holding back. That is because we are nearing the end and I like saving the best for last. Have you ever heard of the man who wore a thousand faces, none his own? Perhaps...
The Black Dahlia Hoax: Brought To You By a Hollywood Studio
Part 2 Brought To You By a Hollywood Studio OFFICIAL biographies place Elizabeth Short’s birthplace in Boston. Wrong. I’ll give you a hint as to her true identity. The real Black Dahlia’s nativity scene was more than likely Alexandria. Intel is simply...
The New Testament Hasn’t Happened Yet
FOR the record, I pondered this papers title for hours, days really, before committing to write anything. Even afterwards, I sat here until the sun peeked through the eastern corridor of my house. The coffee pot had emptied while the page before me remained...
The Black Dahlia Hoax: The Girl Was a Mannequin
Part 1 The Girl Was a Mannequin A YEAR or so ago I wrote about The Black Dahlia as something that legitimately happened in history. My conclusion at the time was that Hollywood and the Los Angeles Police Department were in on it. You will have to accept my...
Upcoming Nationwide Baptism Event: Saturday, August 14, 2021
15 And he said to them, "Go into all the world, preach the word of the King of the heavens to every creation. 16 He who believes and is dipped, he will be saved. But he who does not believe will be destroyed." The Hebrew Gospel of Mark 16:15-16LAST year’s...
His Father’s Nakedness: The Curse of Ham Finally Explained
HAM had sex with his father's wife. There it is. Hopefully, you weren't drinking from a cup of coffee or chewing on an overpriced blueberry scone while reading that, as I would have either choked or spit up all over the computer screen. At any rate, you have...
Are You a Pharisee? The Definition of a Pharisee Finally Explained
I DIDN’T think it would come to this. You found me out. I was caught. And it’s true—all of it. I pursue Torah obedience. There were rumors afloat but now you’ve heard it here, straight from the horse’s mouth. Must be a Pharisee then. I can’t seem to go anywhere on...
You Are More Likely to Die of the COVID-19 Vaccine
IF we’re being technical, the jab is gene therapy, not a vaccine. And the likelihood of death between those diagnosed with COVID-19 and those who’ve received the treatment are about the same. But that’s only mortality rates, mind you, as the short-term side-effects of...
The Truth About Auschwitz II
HOLOCAUST STORYTELLERS like to keep us on our toes. The gas chambers at Crematoria I is easily disproved, but never mind that now, because Auschwitz I simply wasn’t ambitious enough. Not enough Jews could be killed in a single day, you see, let alone the hour....
Think Not That I Am Come to Destroy Torah
IN REPLY to the hundred or so rebuttals I’ve received over the years, insisting that Yahusha fulfilled the Law so that you wouldn’t have to, I’ll repeat again here what I’ve been telling everyone: Best to give Matthew chapter 5 another read. Because that’s not even...
The Truth About Auschwitz I
I STARTED OUT just like you. I read from the same Illuminati text books and was exposed to the same blinding propaganda. The Godvernment and my diploma had me convinced that the Germans murdered 6 million Jews in a few short years as part of their final...
1948: The Year Edom Conquered Israel
YOU FIGURE I’m on Mossad's naughty list by now. It only makes sense that I would be. The one time I’ve ever been interrogated anywhere just so happens to be the back of a room in Tel Aviv. What are the odds? The people representing the star of Remphan wanted to know...
Rosemary’s Baby: Another Movie Sponsored by Intel
THE SONS of Cain are obsessed with telling their own story. Their biological and bastardy origins are tirelessly regurgitated over and over and over again from the Hollywood sound stage. The slaves whom they rule over lap it up. Never is that more obvious than...
Captain EO: The Key to Unlocking the Beauty Within
FOR anyone who missed out on the Eighties and needs a refresher, this is the movie where Michael Jackson defeats evil by turning the bad guys into backup dancers. The point of this discussion is to highlight the overtly Masonic elements within Captain EO. I...
The Earth Is a Womb
THERE. I said it. I confessed to everything before the inquisition could even begin. Already confused? It’s in the title. The Earth is a womb. From here on out, you’ll have to slap me silly just to shut me up. Despite that testimony you gave in the Baptist...