"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some...
Featured Guest Writer
Anons – Worst Cult Members Ever or The Meek Inheriting the Earth?
BOMB'S away. John Q has just delivered his third article. I asked him what we needed for a cover and he said a rabbit would do. So, it appears as though we're going deep down the rabbit hole this time around. And now, for the usual reader discretion. John Q is well...
“ק” – Queue The Plan
DIDN'T I just introduce John Q's series on the Millennial Kingdom of Messiah and Q-Anon yesterday? I did. You'd better get caught up on your reading then, because we're already onto the second part. As per yesterdays introduction, let's go over a couple of things...
Dark to Light and Q – Freemasonry Psyop or Something Else?
THE MILLENNIAL Kingdom of Messiah has been well established around these parts as a legitimate telling of His-Story which has already happened, thereby pitting us in the little season of Revelation 20. Well, John Q came to me rather recently with a rather profound...
Boost Your Immune System 101
If you are reading this article, then chances are good that you are aware of all the toxins and poisons that we come into contact with on a daily basis. The tap water provided to us contains things such as dissolved pharmaceuticals and poisonous fluoride. The air...
Who Really Killed Yahusha HaMashiach: the Romans or the Jews?
STUMBLING upon this little nugget of inofrmation proved to be the most shocking moment of any livesteam I've been a part of. That's when the discovery happened, during our online Sabbath study. Rob, Michael, and I were discussing the Hebrew Gospel of Yochannon (John)...
Sin No More
[…] I was covered by grace after all. Doesn’t that mean I can sin as many times as I want and just ask for forgiveness before I die to gain access to my eternal mansion? Looking back, I will admit I was lost. Considering that I believed […]
Be Fruitful and Multiply
In my first article we explored the importance of the Aleph Tav and how Elohim must have created the word first in order to speak into the water let there be light.IN the beginning Elohiym created את the heavens and את the earth. And the earth was without form, and...
Just Another Lick
Elizabeth was six years old. She liked all sorts of things but she really, really liked ice cream. Rainbow flavored is the best. It really doesn’t taste like rainbows though. She wondered how a rainbow really did taste. She loved dogs too, but thought that rainbow...
The Importance of the Aleph and the Tav
That’s Gen 1:1 in the Hebrew text. Here is the king Jimmy translation.“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Genesis 1:1 KJVNow you may not have noticed but the two letters I have highlighted in the Hebrew are missing from the King James. In fact...
Prion Conspiracy
Jennifer, my wife had just begun dating me. This was way back, if you don't know me well enough by now. Yeah, I've been married twelve years now, but we first met fourteen years ago. We met at AT&T, we were both IPhone techs. So yeah, for some weird reason we were...
Yahusha In the Psalms
FROM Pamela, daughter of James, to the scattered tribes of Israel:Dearly beloved, chosen and elect, those precious of ALOHIM, You who are seekers of knowledge, you who worship ALOHIM with a sincere heart: I greet you in the name of YAHUSHA Ha’Mashiach.Before we begin...
Dipping the Green
I guess you can call it “dipping.” At least that’s what Master Song Lu calls it. “Dipping.” One's ability to go down unseen into the subconscious mind of the universe and “see” what goes on underneath. While others talk of the supernatural as if it were something...
The Feminine Holy Spirit
Introduction: The Antediluvian WorldThis month in one of our book reviews, Joy and I highlighted the two books I released last year, The Pre-Adamites and The Antediluvian World and The Dragon Lords: Antediluvian Kings. These two books form a series based on the...
What Does the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins Mean?
What does the parable of the wise and the foolish virgins mean? First of all, there needs to be an understanding of ancient Hebrew marriage customs. If you haven’t read my post outlining what the marriage customs were, go there now and read that. Hebrew...
Does Acts 15 Negate the Torah?
The apostles and elders, your brothers, To the Gentile believers in Antioch, Syria and Cilicia: Greetings. 24 We have heard that some went out from us without our authorization and disturbed you, troubling your minds by what they said. 25 So we all agreed to choose...
Should Christians Obey and Follow Torah?
Little children, let no man deceive you. He that doeth righteousness is righteous, as he is righteous 1 John 3:7 Q&A with Yeshua Q: Yeshua, in the beginning you co-authored “The Law” with our Father in Heaven, Yahuah. Is that right? Y: In the beginning was the...
The End of Summer Camp
You really shouldn’t be reading this absurd story, cause I think I should be locked away, but the more I ask people to lock me away, the more medication they give me and tell me to stay at home. Anyway, in case you are reading this at all, I’ll tell you all about this...
Indicator to YHWH’s Throne – Mount Meru
For the last six posts I have been writing all about the stars and really that was quite a bit for you to digest. You will be happy to find that this post is going in a slightly different direction and while it does allude to a star, we are now seeking a mountain. In...
Shamsiel One Shamsiel's large shoulders were not tired, but they would have been, if he had been a human. The bright blue angel had nothing else to do but to watch and think. There was no exertion, no weariness when it came to the beings in his realm. They did not...
Heavenly Luminaries as Indicators and Witnesses
Just a warning from the start. This post will be continuing my theme on stars. I have previously mentioned that this is a deep rabbit-hole, but there will be some respite as I skirt over the moon and sun. (This is where I would insert a smiley face, but we are too...
Stars, Angels and Portents
If you have read my previous articles here on the Unexpected Cosmology, you will know by now that I have an insatiable desire to research Yah’s cosmology particularly in relation to the stars/luminaries. If this is your first experience of my writing, then I suppose...
Eyewitness Account: The Bigfoot Encounter
Prepping for an epic Green Pond Trail mountain bike shred at Snow Basin, I began pumping up all the tires. Little brother, big daddy, and I were the crew. Green Pond Trail begins uphill entering a thick forest, eventually leading into open fields with scenic views,...
Wheel Within a Wheel: YHUH’s Clock in the Heavenly Luminaries
This article is part 2 of the previous article, Wheel Within a Wheel, and is offered as a full study follow up to part 1 and the “big picture” overview of how the cycles of the luminaries work together as signs to mark the Time of YHUH’s Scriptural...
Wheel Within a Wheel: YHUH’s Clock in the Heavenly Luminaries
We begin here with part 1 of a 2 part presentation. I hope to engage both the well studied seeker and newly inspired novice alike, as well as to spark interest in those who have yet to consider these topics. This conceptual overview is followed by a full...
Torah Observance: A Day In The Life
As a former “Christian,” I am well aware of the stigma that is Judaizing or being “under the law,” etc., particularly when it comes to keeping, doing, and guarding the instructions of the Most High Elohim. I’ve had this conversation with several of my brothers and...
Escape from the North Country: The Second Exodus
“The woman fled into the wilderness, where God had prepared a place for her to be nourished for 1,260 days.” Revelation 12:6 Understanding the Time of Jacob's Trouble: Survival 101 For this presentation, I'll be discussing some interesting...
The Goat of Affliction
THE GOAT OF AFFLICTION (Yom Kippur, more than we’ve been told.) “For I have chosen him, so that he may command his children and his household after him to keep the way of YHWH by doing righteousness and justice, so that YHWH may bring upon Abraham what He has...
John 3:16 – Everything You Need To Know
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” John 3:16. The world’s most popular verse concerning our messiah; but there is much more to this verse than meets the eye, and...
Polygyny According to the Word of YEHOVAH
The following is our understanding and belief of plural marriage as it is stated in Scripture. It will shock and anger most, challenge some, but our hope is that it may actually convince a few to look beyond their current understandings and beliefs of what our culture has commonly taught. We want to encourage you to put aside your biases, your current assumptions, and trust wholly on what the Scriptures actually say, be led by the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) and trust in the wisdom of יהוה.