Featured Guest Writer

Door of gods

Door of gods By Pauly Hart Mid-March 2024PART 1"Please choose a door," the pulsing blue light said.   "What?" I said out loud. "Any door?"   "Yes," the blue light answered. It pulsed and quivered as it hovered behind the lectern…   >>You mean a pulpit<<  ...

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Four Inch Slump

Four Inch Slump By Pauly Hart Leap Day, 2024Recently, I’ve been writing The Unexpected Cosmology two stories per month. It's quite the thrill, setting out on a new adventure the first and 15th of each month for another mindbender. I think I’ve been willingly led into...

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Blood Tar

Blood Tar   by Pauly Hart   Saturday, Janteenth, 2024            “Happy Janteenth!” Madison said to the bus-driver, who was black. She said it to all her black friends. Though in reality none of her friends were black, She knew black people, though, and she...

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The [Loading] Screen

The [Loading] Screen   by Pauly Hart   With Editing assistance by Kim Gillham, Rebecca Gould, and Jennifer Hart 28th  December, 2023It was only a matter of time until I sank into the lake of shit. I was in the upper pad, away from the main staging area, far...

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The Divine, the Feline, and the Lake

THE DIVINE, THE FELINE, AND THE LAKEThe divine encounter I’m about to share had an impact on my life; it was a waking vision. I have told very few people as I’ve been reluctant due to the details and did not want to incur harsh judgment. Nonetheless, it must be...

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