The Unexpected Cosmology

Sex. Contraceptives. Abortion. Magical Ceremony. Agenda 2030. - LET’S TALK ABOUT SEX. —because everybody’s favorite computer nerd wants to spice up your bedroom life. As part of his awe-inspiring ID 2020 project, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates is developing a tiny drug delivery chip that works as a contraceptive agent. Birth control.

Mutation Happens | JASHER & the Final Push Towards Transhumanism - THE PLOT THICKENS. And it involves pig-men. I think. A coronavirus strain in India has reportedly mutated (I know), and may in fact render the worldwide race for a vaccine worthless (I know). Without going into too many details, “researchers” are learning that the reported mutation is due to the spike protein that allows the […]

060606 | Cryptocurrency “Cha-Ching-Ching!” - Hopefully we’re all aware by this point that Bill Gates ID2020 is being referred to as a “Certification Mark.” Need we read that again? Certification Mark.

They’re Buried under Them Hills | Long Skulls, Bigfoot & the Bad People (an Interview with Joe Taylor) - IF THERE WAS EVER A TIME AND PLACE to pick up a book, it was the 1960’s in Greenwich Village. Joe Taylor grew up on the Bible. His dad was a minister, and his grandfathers were deacons, the results of which garnished him with a thorough New and Old Testament education. And then one day […]

The Molecular Path to Shamanism | Watson, Crick and the Double-Helix Deception - Introduction: Discovering Château de Chambord   SOMETIMES we hear someone say something and we almost fall out of our chair. This was sort of like that. Only it wasn’t a chair that I almost fell out of—but a staircase. Two of them, actually. The staircase duo in question can be found at Château de Chambord […]