The Unexpected Cosmology

One World Order & the Grand Initiation (Alchemy of the Mind) - Let’s pull back the curtain and take a peek. If the world worked merely on personal merit, then George W. Bush would have been a shoe salesman in Foot Locker rather than a two-time frat boy of both Yale and Harvard University. No offense to shoe salesmen. But when it comes to Elite society and […]

COVID-19 and the Race to a Cure (Hideous Sores of Revelation 16) - There is a race right now—a mad dash—to be the first investor to successfully come up with a vaccine for the coronavirus. Why? All indications point to the fact that this is going to be a government mandated vaccine for every man, woman, child, and baby in the world. Whoever successfully mass distributes this thing […]

Social Distancing or Social Engineering…? | (It all adds up to 69) “As Above So Below…” - Quite the turn of phrase, “SOCIAL DISTANCING.” Though its earliest known use is 2003, according to Webster, I can’t ever recall hearing the term until the last few weeks. And quite suddenly, it’s everywhere. It’s like we’ve been talking about social distancing ourselves our entire lives. Even here in South Carolina, traffic signs are informing […]

We Need to Rewrite History in Light of Saint Germain | NESARA & the “Global” Illuminati Initiation - After “they” use COVID-19 to crash the world economies, there’s a likelihood that we’ll witness either a total financial reset or a bailout of Biblical proportions. And there’s good reason to think they’ll use the Saint Germain Trust Fund to do it.