The Unexpected Cosmology

COVID Vaccinated Are Being Tracked via 5G Cellular Towers - HAVE you rolled up your sleeve yet and taken the jab like a good boy or girl? If so, then you’ve been chipped. But that’s really not a very big deal, is it? I figured not. Try to refrain from too much excitement over your new pet collar. Why a slave would beg their Masters […]

Can We Still Talk About Kyle Rittenhouse? That Was a Hoax. -   REMEMBER this kid….? Kyle Rittenhouse. He gunned down three protestors last summer in the streets of Kenosha, and I kept my mouth shut about it. You see, conservatives everywhere were making a case for him, including an overwhelming number of Truthers on social media, despite the painfully obvious fact that it was another staged […]

The AIDS Pandemic Is a Hoax: The Brutality of Psychodrama - AIDS ISN’T a disease, but a business of fear. It’s also a hoax, the purposes of which are alchemical. Disclaimer: I am not a doctor and have never stepped foot into a medical institution—thank Yah. Therefore, if my conclusions bother your worldview, then there are a million other media narratives to choose form in the […]

The Sacred Geometry of Baseball: A Masonic Ritual - AN ARTICLE on baseball would never be complete without mention of my father. I don’t know why. Perhaps this is another shrink issue and I should altogether stop writing articles on my hangups over the fact that we’re being lied to about everything. Sure, he took me to Dodgers and Angels games as a child, […]

Guns, Government, Guidestones, and the New Jerusalem Psyop - THINKING ABOUT GUNS FROM THE PARKING LOT OF THE GEORGIA GUIDE-STONES   THIS ALL BEGAN while staring out at the Georgia Guidestones from my Ford F-350, waiting upon Zen Garcia and company to arrive, and thought I might as well get some work done. Justin Russell is a fellow co-writer here at The Unexpected Cosmology. […]

Every U.S. Presidential Election Is a Royal Hoax - UNDENIABLE PROOF that the War for Independence was a psyop against the American people is the mere fact that every single U.S. President, starting with Master Mason George Washington in 1789, has directly descended from European monarchs. To put this in slightly different terms, America never abandoned the British crown. Elections are a flamboyantly royal […]

Escape from the North Country: The Second Exodus - “The woman fled into the wilderness, where God had prepared a place for her to be nourished for 1,260 days.”   Revelation 12:6   Understanding the Time of Jacob’s Trouble: Survival 101   For this presentation, I’ll be discussing some interesting research regarding a possible candidate for the “Wilderness” that the Woman spoken of in […]

1812 Was a Very Strange Year - Eyewitness His-Story: New Madrid   1812 WAS a very strange year. The thought first occurred to me while listening to the 1812 Overture the other day. The part where they blow the lid off a dozen or two trash cans just makes you want to salute something—anything at all. Windows shook. The floor vibrated under […]

Zen Garcia Vs. Globe Earth: The Key to Unlocking the True Cosmology - From the time of my January 2015 Flat Earth awakening to the August 2017 “Globe Versus Flat Earth Debate” with Dr. Stephen Pidgeon—hosted by Stephen and Jana Ben-noon of Israeli News Live here in Atlanta, Georgia—I have published three books on biblical cosmology and the structure of the world. 1) Flat Earth As Key to […]