The Unexpected Cosmology

The Divine, the Feline, and the Lake - THE DIVINE, THE FELINE, AND THE LAKE The divine encounter I’m about to share had an impact on my life; it was a waking vision. I have told very few people as I’ve been reluctant due to the details and did not want to incur harsh judgment. Nonetheless, it must be shared. I was a […]

Mary Magdalene Was Lilith In ‘The Chosen’ - She Was Lilith In ‘The Chosen’ JUST the other night I was asked the question after finishing up a LIVE presentation: ‘Is Lilith Satan?’ You should know that I talk about a great many subjects. Miryam of Migdal doesn’t come anywhere near to the top of that list. The recording was about another topic entirely, […]

The Acts of Peter and Paul - ACTS OF THE HOLY APOSTLES KEPHA AND PA’AL It came to pass, after Pa’al went out of the island Gaudomeleta, that he came to Italy; and it was heard of by the Yahudiym who were in Rome, the elder of the cities, that Pa’al demanded to come to Cæsar. Having fallen, therefore, into great grief […]

TUC Magazine Issue 004 September 2023 Release! - 001 June 2023 003 August 2023 003 August 2023 004 September 2023 Subscribe to TUC Magazine WHAT 9/11 anniversary are we onto now? I’ve lost count. 22, is it? I don’t know about you but it feels like yesterday.  To commemorate 9/11 and remember Building 7 as well as the missiles that fired into the […]

The 144,000 and Claudia Octavia: Wife of Nero - YOU might be asking yourself: What in the world is going on and which denomination have I haphazardly landed upon? As the groundskeeper in these parts, I couldn’t even begin to answer the second part of the question, but in regard to the curtain pulling exercise, Xanthippe has been identified as a member of Mashiach’s […]

The Torah Precedes Moses - The title might be fighting words for some. I don’t apologize though. It is true. I recently heard a couple of Torah observant Christians debate the validity of the book of Jubilees. Now, I am not going to go through that here. However, I am going to zone in on one peculiar argument that caught […]

History’s Heretics: The Fathers of Astronomical Lies - History’s Heretics: The Fathers of Astronomical Lies By Aiden Haze, age 14             “He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and it’s people are like grasshoppers. He stretches the heavens out like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in.” Isaiah 40:22 NIV. YHWH sits above the circle of […]

The Acts of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian - THE ACTS OF THE HOLY APOSTLE AND EVANGELIST YOCHANON THE THEOLOGIAN When Agrippa, whom, on account of his plotting against Shalom, they stoned and put to death, was king of the Yahudim, Vespasian Cæsar, coming with a great army, invested Yerushalayim; and some prisoners of war he took and slew, others he destroyed by famine […]

The Biblical Vision of Judgement and She’ol -  THE BIBLICAL VISION OF JUDGEMENT AND SHEOL The vision I’m about to share changed my life; it was not just a dream. I’ve remembered it vividly for decades. This vision showed me enough to change my views on Native American Shamanism; and influenced me to read the Torah and believe in the Messiah. Most of […]

The Appearance of Deer Woman & the Leprechaun - THE APPEARANCE OF DEER WOMAN I have had numerous encounters with apparitions, entities, creatures, and spirits. Some of which were believed to be only myths, imaginary, or fictional metaphors; serving only to teach a moral to a story. This particular story may debunk one such ‘fairytale’ as to be true. It has roots relating to […]