TO this very day, Judaism is identified with the rabbinic tradition of the Parashiym and vice versa. That is to say, the ancient Hebrew faith contained neither Judaism nor the Parashiym and there is no Judaism to be had without them. If you don’t believe me then follow this link to Judaism’s official Wiki article, wherein the unlearned mind will read a series of provocative claims. I aim to go over a couple of them over the following so many pages. What you are about to read or not read is yet another update to my ever expanding ‘The Temple Mount Is a Hoax’ paper. I have brought up a lot of tantilizing points over the last few years but I think the issue regarding Judaism’s part in its destruction are, as we might say, the nails in the coffin.
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Afterwards, ‘The Temple Mount Hoax’ as well as my entire ARCHIVES of material is available for your reading and viewing pleasure here.
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