WELL, well, well, what have we here? A new Bible memory verse stating precisely what I’ve been trying to say all along, though very few cares about Yahusha’s beloved enough to notice. Every person present at the tomb was a member of his family. Read it for yourself and then let me know your thoughts.
11 On learning this, Pilate granted the Commander custody of the body, and though some Yahudiym present objected, wishing Yahusha to be buried in the criminals’ pit, they had to submit to Roman law. Yet the Torah of the Yahudiym also stated it was the duty of the nearest relative to dispose of the body, irrespective of how death occurred.
The Books of the Natsarim 21:11
Torah, hmmm? Duty, hmmm? Nearest relative, hmmm? Check, check, and again I say to you, check. Yoceph of Arimathea, Mother Miryam, as well as Miryam of Migdal are all present and accounted for, and what does that tell us? Well, according to Natsarim, it was the duty of the nearest relative to dispose of the body, irrespective of how the person’s death occurred. And again, who is present to oversee the fulfillment of the Torah? Yoceph of Arimathea, Mother Miryam, as well as Miryam of Migdal. I’m thinking now I will have to cover Yoceph’s important role as his adoptive caretaker after the death of Yoceph his father. But then, in the meantime, try not to let cognitive dissonance win the day.
Also, you’ll have to check out the latest addition to my Miryam of Migdal: Wife of Mashiach paper for yourself. FYI, a $5 donation gives you an all access pass. I put a lot of work into these research projects and appreciate your support. You can sign up for TUC Membership as well as our monthly book releases by clicking that shiny turquoise button above. Of course, here [TUC MEMBERSHIP] is a link for your convenience. Or if you prefer, you can always feed the hungry puppy below. So many ways to join!
Afterwards, ‘Miryam of Migdal: Wife of Mashiach’ as well as my entire ARCHIVES of material is available for your reading and viewing pleasure here.