“But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase to more ungodliness. And their word will eat as does a canker: of whom is Hymenaeus and Philetus; Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some.”
Sha’ul (2 Timothy 2: 16-18)
A THOUSAND-mile drive gives a man plenty of time to think. It’s only the second occasion when I’ve accomplished that task in my lifetime. In nineteen hours, we covered seven out of the fifty states. Ten total on our driving trip. North Carolina. Kentucky. Illinois. Missouri. Arkansas. Tennessee. Mississippi. Alabama. Georgia. And finally, South Carolina. My wife and I wanted to see America again—one last time—before they potentially close it down for good. Execute: Agenda 21. On a Sunday, empty churches with erected phalluses were displaying large signs normally reserved for sermon topics, but which now read: “We comply with the CDC.” Pathetic. Others declared: “We love others by social distancing and wearing our masks.” If I’m describing your building then you need to come to terms with the fact that your pastors are hirelings and they’ve already sold you out to the Beast. Your flock is being led by Freemason doctrine. I wrote about some of my frustations here. COVID-1984. And I’m reserving others for another paper. Just about everyone we encountered were primed and ready for the Mark. Except for those whom I know online, I cannot find another living soul who is awake to the reality of this situation. I’ve always pondered what it would take to deceive Evangelical America, and this is it. “The cure” is almost upon us, and just about everyone will be lining up to drink the poison.
One-thousand miles. New Jerusalem will be 1,500 miles long. The thought occurred to me somewhere in Arkansas. NASA tells us the Kármán line, which is the unofficial boundary marker of cosmic infinity, begins only 62 miles above our head. This places almost the entire city of Jerusalem in a non-gravitational vacuum of outer space. I thought about its enormity of size as my eyes grew weary behind the wheel. If New Jerusalem were to set down upon the North Pole, then I could stand all the way across the motionless plane of the earth, as far as Antarctica, and the city would still appear on the horizon larger than the moon. I wrote about that a few years back. You can read about it here. New Jerusalem. Also, despite the hundreds of communities I passed along the way, I only drove two-thirds of the cities length. Traveling the circumference of the entire city, by today’s standards, would reasonably be one week’s journey.
I thought about the thousand years mentioned in Revelation, too. It goes something like this. Satan will be bound for a thousand years. Afterwards, he will be released for a season, in order that he might deceive the world into surrounding the camp of Yahuah. Gog and Magog. Revelation 20 in a nut shell. Those of you who are at least familiar with my work know I’ve heavily hinted at the possibility, and I stress probability, if not fact, that Matthew 24 has already been fulfilled. The Apocalypse happened right on schedule—precisely when Yahushua said it would.
The extreme sense of urgency can be felt by Ya’aqob, Kepha, Yohanan, and the writer of Mattithyahu (James 5:8,9, 1 Peter 4:7, Matthew 10:23; 16:27, 28; 24:34). Yahushua said “all these things” would be fulfilled in this generation (Matthew 24:34). He said there were people who wouldn’t taste death before all those things came to pass (Matthew 10:23, 16:27, 28, 24:34). He told the High Priest that he would see him in his glory (Matthew 26:63-65, Mark 14:61-63, Luke 22:67-71). Yahushua was the last prophet sent by Yahuah. He constantly spoke of the Jews’ disobedience and faithlessness to the Most-High’s Torah and therefore warned them, contextually, of the total destruction of Jerusalem. No other prophet did that. So, why don’t we believe his words to be true? We know the day of his appearing as 66 AD. The people of that century knew it as a very different year.
Josephus (I know) likely documents the very event. You will tell me Titus Flavius Josephus was a Roman propagandist and a client for the Flavian dynasty, and therefore cannot be trusted any further than you can throw an elephant. Indeed, Josephus was a spook from the very beginning. You don’t emerge as the only sole survivor of a cave in Galilee—after a bloody battle against Rome—and become the Emperor’s right hand man. That doesn’t just happen. Spoo-oook. But here’s the thing. Most refuse to believe the words of Yahushua anyway. Everything he spoke of was fulfilled in that generation, because he said it would be. There were many who did not taste death. Try not to let cognitive dissonance win the day. That being said, I have little other choice but to get my hands dirty and source a Roman whore. But not all is lost. Josephus is no different than a Wikipedia article. You too can use official spook literature to rip apart the false realities which they’ve bound us to and catch the Luciferians at their own folly. For example, we can use Josephus to prove Rome and the Zionists are lying to us about the location of the Temple. You can read about that here. The Temple Mount Hoax. Also, here. Swapping Identities. To sum it up, the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is really Fort Antonia, and the Zionists all know it. With Josephus, they slipped up. So, pay attention to his other account, completely snubbed by Rome and the church today. In the year we know as 66 AD, countless witnesses all across Judea saw the armies of heaven descend in the clouds. Follow along. Josephus writes:
On the twenty-first day of the month of Artemisius [Iyar], a certain prodigious and incredible phenomenon appeared; I suppose the account of it would seem to be a fable, were it not related by those that saw it, and were not the events that followed it of so considerable a nature as to deserve such signals; for, before sun setting, chariots and troops of soldiers in their armor were seen running about among the clouds, and surrounding of cities.
If what you just read doesn’t somehow involve Yahushua in your own thinking, and I assume my audience believes Yahushua to be the Son of the Most-High Elohim, then you need to spend some time wrestling with what just happened. Or you could rest contented knowing that Yahushua’s apostles did not write urgently in vain. The King fulfilled his promises, just as he said he would. Again, if the resurrection happened at that moment in time, and the righteous entered a thousand years of rest, it would explain why the church went apostate by the end of the first century. The sinners were left behind, with primarily only the message of the Christians of Antioch remaining. Also, why is there not one legitimate death witness to any of the apostles? I mean, the accounts of their deaths appear hundreds of years later and are inexplicably shady.
You’d think somebody would record: “I was there. I saw Thomas speared down. I saw Bartholomew flayed and then beheaded. I saw Matthias stoned by cannibals.” There are no witnesses—simply conjectures, almost all of them contradictory. If Recognition’s of Clement is legitimate, then we cannot even accept Kepha’s crucifixion account in 64 AD, because he and Zacchaeus, among a host of loyal followers, escaped over the river Jordan after Sha’ul had Ya’aqob thrown from the Temple mount. Mm-hmm. Same Sha’ul.
Let’s just say this would have been one of the biggest cover ups in history. After the Satanic Elite saw Yahushua in all his glory, they would have been like: “Oh shit, this guy is legit. He’s coming back again. We’ve got to stop him. We’ve got to do whatever we can to blind people from knowing about what actually happened and build rocket ships and atomic bombs… anything… to ascend to the heights and murder him.” There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that Rome had countless books buried or destroyed in order to achieve their purposes. It only makes sense that they would. Also, space is fake and nuclear bombs are a hoax. The burning of the library at Alexandria is just a cover story. And I’m not simply talking about 66 AD, either. We’re talking about Apostolic epistles and gospels. Words from the prophets. First-hand accounts from those left behind. Books, whisked away. Gone. In later centuries, one of Saint Augustine’s purposes was to destroy holy literature, which you can read about here. Muhammad. Nothing of the Natsarym has survived, and we know that the Catholic church made war with the saints, but that’s probably none of my business. Anyways, there are other historians who write about the curious event in AD 66, and they don’t appear to be sourcing Josephus. So, there you go. Missing books.
Consider the medieval Jewish historian Sepher Yosippon, who expounded upon this angelic army in the sky when writing:
“Moreover, in those days were seen chariots of fire and horsemen, a great force flying across the sky near to the ground coming against Jerusalem and all the land of Judah, all of them horses of fire and riders of fire.”
Yosippon’s account hearkens us back to 2 Kings 6:17, whereas Elisha was protected by an army of of angels, fully equipped with horses and chariots of fire. It also mirrors Isaiah in a surprisingly literal way.
“For behold, Yahuah will come in fire and His chariots like the whirlwind, to render His anger with fury, and His rebuke with flames of fire.” Isaiah 66:15
If you are asking yourself, “Did I miss the second coming?” then rest assured this is the wrong question to ask. The term second coming is not found anywhere among the books we often call “The New Testament.” The Greek word, often translated second coming, is “parousia,” and though it does describe a presence or coming, the term is used to denote the arrival of a conquering general, king, or emperor into a city for an extended stay—oftentimes for several months or years—before returning to his capitol city. I need to stress extended stay, because that’s precisely what happened. Yahushua arrived in Jerusalem in order to conquer and destroy a wicked city. Jerusalem. Parousia. The Temple was completely destroyed in 70 AD, so that not one stone remained. Yahushua personally saw to it.
And another thing, Yahushua said he was coming in the clouds, just as Yahuah had done to Egypt in Isaiah 19. Yohanan likewise wrote about his coming in the clouds, and that’s precisely what happened. Yahushua came in the clouds, in judgement. The temple priests, the Pharisee and the Sadducee, essentially everyone responsible for hanging Yahushua from a tree, undoubtedly looked up to the clouds, saw the KING OF KINGS among the armies of heaven, and were like: “Aw, hell naw!” Check this out. Matthew 24:27 reads, “For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.” So, parousia. Son of man. And lightning would mark his arrival in the clouds. If you need non-Scriptural proof among the eyewitness testimony of men, that lightning did indeed mark his arrival, then I will direct your attention to the first century Roman historian Tacitus. His account of the armies in heaven differs slightly from Josephus, and it reads:
In the sky appeared a vision of armies in conflict, of glittering armour. A sudden lightening flash from the clouds lit up the Temple. The doors of the holy place abruptly opened, a superhuman voice was heard to declare that the gods were leaving it, and in the same instant came the rushing tumult of their departure.
If you thought I was going too far in suggesting the resurrection of the saints occurred that very year, and am therefore relegated to one of agent Sha’ul’s profane and vain canker babblers in 2 Timothy 2:16-18—which actually makes sense given the context—then I will once more return your attention to agent Josephus. He actually documents the very event which Yohanan had described seeing in Revelation chapter 6 a few years earlier. In The Wars of the Jews he writes:
“At that feast which we call Pentecost [of A.D. 66], as the priests were going by night into the inner temple…they felt a quaking and heard a great noise, and after that they heard a sound as of a great multitude, saying, ‘Let us remove hence.’”
You will potentially tell me that Revelation wasn’t written until 90 AD, because somebody who paid for their doctorate was really into dispensationalism and therefore gave you their educated guess. However, the largest proof that all of Scripture was completed before 70 AD is that never once does anybody write: “Ah-ha! Yahushua’s words came true! The temple was destroyed!” That never happened. The closing pages of Scripture—which Antioch Christians later titled The New Testament for their own doctrinal purposes—never so much says that Yahushua’s prophecies were fulfilled in that generation. Scripture ended with a sense of urgency and an unresolved tension. Probably because there was nobody left behind to explain it. That is, except for Hymenaeus and Philetus. “Their word will eat as does a canker!”
Anyhow, One-thousand miles behind the wheel, Missouri to South Carolina. One-thousand years, I thought. I’m not certain of much, but I am of Yahushua’s words. You can snub, redefine, or avoid them all you want, but I’m tired of the doctrine. I’m taking them literally. If we missed the resurrection, then what are we still waiting for? New Jerusalem, of course. The good news is, we haven’t missed out on the kingdom of heaven on earth. Uh-huh, you heard me right. One-thousand years. Been there, done that. They totally faked the additional millennia. Easy as the mud flood and Photoshop. More on that some other time.
Mud flood. You were probably hoping I wouldn’t go there, but it’s too late. The shocking revelation of the mud flood theory isn’t so much the thought that history was completely scrubbed and re-written. The Twilight Zone ending is the fact that we’ve been living in Revelation chapter 20 for the last 200 years. After the thousand years, Satan is released from prison for a season. His purpose, to deceive the entire world, again. That’s us. We are the generation who’ve inherited lies. You can’t force a round peg into a square hole. If you can find a better slot for the mud flood theory, be sure to let me know. We are told the beginning from the end, and Revelation fits. I wrote a paper on the Watchers release from prison in the whereabouts of 1812. Enoch chapter 54 documents their release, and once again, it fits. They sprung from their prison like a lion from its den and devoured the kings of the Earth. You can read about that here. Watchers. I highly suggest you give it a looksy-loo, if you haven’t already. We’ve been lied to about everything.
Enoch tells us there were 200 Watchers imprisoned within the hills and valleys of the Earth. He furthermore reminds us that they would be released after 70 generations. I believe that takes us up to the whereabouts of the 19th-century. On a side note, have you ever contemplated how many meteor craters are identified above sea level? 190. Also, consider this. There are 195 recognized countries in the world today, which includes the UN non-member observer states, the Vatican and Palestine; a sizable stretch from the 70 nations which Yahuah established after Babel. Close but no cigar…? I don’t know, you tell me. Maybe a few of the Watchers got bumped off. Or they’re running Langley and the secret societies. Call me crazy, but if you want to see the divine beings in person, then we need to look no further than those shape-shifting reptilians that keep showing up on our television screen. Queen Elizabeth. George H.W. Bush. Donald Rumsfeld. Mark Zuckerberg. You can do your own digging and fill in the rest.