HERE is another olddie but goodie which is pulled from the shelf, dusted off, and upddated for your reading pleasure. It has been my goal to convert all of my articles into PDF files for my serial readers and TUC subscribers but that is a behemoth task, seeing as how each one requires TLC. ‘Captain EO and Freemasonry’ is probably a given, as titles go. If only I’d turned in papers such as this one in college, wherein Freemasonry is top floor Management, and every so often they clue us into that fact. As memory recalls, it was written in New Hampshire back in the spring of 2021. My exact location is a fascinating story in and of itself but I’m not going to tell it to you.
If you would like to read this article, the PDF file is offered on the Archives page. Finding it for yourself is the easy part. All you have to do is purchase a $5 All-Access Pass to TUC. I put a lot of work into my research and appreciation the support.
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Happy reading!
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