Mums the Word | The Littlest Dinosaur of India (It Bought a One-Way Ticket On the Nine-To-5)

Dragons | Uncategorized


THAT DINOSAURS AND MEN WERE CONTEMPORARIES on Earth is a fact which our educators would be wise to acknowledge. When a young formidable mind chances to notice something of truth beyond the textbook, and recognizes it as such, the lies embedded within their lectures and mid-terms become impenetrable. The great preacher Spurgeon said, “A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.” Winston Churchill later quoted the same phrase, except he noted pants rather than shoes. Point is, Winston’s pants have been slipped on and Spurgeon’s shoes finely laced, and now the thoroughly-dressed truth is on the move. There are far too many banana-peel slip-ups upon the foundations of dishonest gain. The magicians trick is exposed. It is a most noble act to come clean.

A most recent “dragon discovery,” which I shall turn to in a moment, is not new to India. East-Asia has long been a favorite haunt for dragons of all temperaments and sizes. Gaius Plinius Secundus (23–79 AD), better known as Pliny the Elder, was a Roman author, naturalist, and natural philosopher, as well as naval and army commander of the early Roman Empire, and personal friend of the emperor Vespasian. His expertise relied on the investigations of natural and geographic phenomena, which he published in his rather ambitious thirty-seven volume Naturalis Historia, a precursor to the modern encyclopedia. While Pliny the Elder recorded first-century consumerism-benefits for slain dragons, such as uses for its teeth and heart, as well as remedies and ointments which might derive from its eyes and other body parts, as well as honey, Naturalis Historia also gives a rather provocative account of a dragon killed on Vatican Hill during the reign of Emperor Claudius (41-54AD) which, when opened up, was found to contain the body of a child. Concerning the dragons of India, Pliny wrote the most gruesome tale:

“Africa produces elephants, but it is India that produces the largest, as well as the dragon, who is perpetually at war with the elephant, and is itself of so enormous a size, as easily to envelop the elephants with its folds, and encircle them in its coils. The contest is equally fatal to both; the elephant, vanquished, falls to the earth, and by its weight crushes the dragon which is entwined around it.

The sagacity which every animal exhibits in its own behalf is wonderful, but in these it is remarkably so. The dragon has much difficulty in climbing up to so great a height, and therefore, watching the road, which bears marks of their footsteps, when going to feed, it darts down upon them from a lofty tree. The elephant knows that it is quite unable to struggle against the folds of the serpent, and so seeks for trees or rocks against which to rub itself. The dragon is on its guard against this, and tries to prevent it, by first of all confining the legs of the elephant with the folds of its tail; while the elephant, on the other hand, tries to disengage itself with its trunk. The dragon, however, thrusts its head into its nostrils, and thus, at the same moment, stops the breath, and wounds the most tender parts. When it is met unexpectedly, the dragon raises itself up, faces its opponent, and flies more especially at the eyes; this is the reason why elephants are so often found blind, and worn to a skeleton with hunger and misery.

There is another story, too, told in relation to these combats—The blood of the elephant, it is said, is remarkably cold; for which reason, in the parching heats of summer, it is sought by the dragon with remarkable avidity. It lies, therefore, coiled up and concealed in the river, in wait for the elephants when they come to drink; upon which it darts out, fastens itself around the trunk, and then fixes its teeth behind the ear, that being the only place which the elephant cannot protect with the trunk. The dragons, it is said, are of such vast size that they can swallow the whole of the blood; consequently the elephant, being drained of its blood, falls to the earth exhausted; while the dragon, intoxicated with the draught, is crushed beneath it, and so shares its fate.”

Our Darwinist educators may brush off such documented annoyances as burps in defiance of their over-zealousness for a fully-fabricated and Christian-less world of “pre-history,” but somewhere in the world a leading expert in “pre-recorded” history is holding a hand over his mouth in hopes of holding back the inevitable gasp, which may, if caught by his contemporaries, cause suspicion as to his loyalties. That leading expert may very likely recognize the recently discovered “dragon of India” as belonging to the theropods, a suborder of dinosaurs which includes the far larger Tyrannosaurs Rex. This dragon however is on the smaller scale, what may very well prove to be a Saurornitholestes; or a Dromaeosaurus; maybe even a Ricardoestesia; or the smallest known dinosaur, the Hesperonychus. Other particular types of dinosaur it is said to resemble include the deinonychus, the coelophysis and the dromaeosaurus.


At any rate, more than one educator is baffled. The almost fully-preserved corpse is non-fossilized, meaning flesh is still intact on its bones. But more importantly, it appears to be mummified. This dinosaur mummy was only recently uncovered by an electrician while cleaning out a sub-station in Jaspur, a small city in Uttarakhand, India, which had remained untouched for thirty-five years. From what has been documented by its discoverers, its tail measures 28cm, with an arched back that measures an additional 28cm, and hind legs that come in at 29cm. Its neck appears unmeasured, but its head looks to be around 9cm, roughly a third of a foot. In other words, it was the size of a dog, and could have feasted on a cat.

Aaryan Kumar, who is pursuing a PhD in Paleontology from Delhi University, told local media that it was simply impossible for a dinosaur skeleton to be so well preserved after so long. He said: “Non-avian dinosaurs have been extinct for the past 65 million years but it does resemble theropods, a suborder of dinosaurs which included bipedal carnivores. But a dinosaur skeleton could not have been found in such a well-preserved condition after millions of years without it being in a fossilized state.” Something tells me Kumar will have no problem receiving his PhD.

Rather ironically though, he does add: “The only even slightly possible way is it was chemically preserved to store it in a museum.” Chemically preserved, as in: a human contemporary displayed his slain dragon for the curiosities of other people. “But if that was the case, how did it end up here?”

Regardless of such evidence which continually flies in the face of the Darwinian narrative, experts comfort us with such silly notions that, while it may look like a small dinosaur to the even the most trained-eye, it would be “impossible as flightless dinosaurs have been extinct for 65 million years.”

Dr Parag Madhukar Dhakate, a Conservator with the Indian Forest Service, agreed that the creature is an enigma to the accepted Science paradigm, but worry not. Scientific analyses will be completed and a disciplined faith in evolution will not be stirred! A full carbon dated analysis will be conducted by Dr Bahadur Kotlia, a paleontologist at Kumaun University. Dhakate adds: “It looks like a dinosaur, but we can’t say anything until all the tests are done.”

Expert suggestions seem more than certain to diagnose this creature, once the lab tests pull through, as a genetically distorted animal fetus. Nothing fools the pupil, or the teacher, more than the lies he reinforces upon himself. At any rate, should they continue with their tangled web of a lie, our Science loyalists will have little choice but to proclaim this most recent discovery a hoax—or perhaps, if they are most fortunate, the dragon of India will altogether go missing. After all, it would be the first time it bought a one-way ticket on the outbound train.
