Flat Earth


A WARM-HEARTED QUESTION THAT IS OFTEN ASKED among fellow converts to Biblical cosmology is this. What one observation finally caused you to become a Flat Earther? We all speak so nostalgically of our final surrender because it was that victorious moment when we recognized our own condition, – blindness. But the resulting irony is, for the first time in our life, we could finally really see the world as God created it. For me, as it seems to be with many, that eye-opening moment was realizing that I could no longer argue with the heavens above me. It was all so simple really. The constellations haven’t changed since the beginning of recorded history. Genesis 1:1.

I’ve put together 12 observations which aided in my final acknowledgement that we’re living on a flat, stationary, and circular earth, with a solid firmament above us. Consider this a beginner’s guide to the geocentric flat earth, strictly where the stars are concerned. I hope this information is helpful, perhaps even enlightening, to your own journey.

  1. NASA and modern astronomy say the Earth is a giant ball tilted back, wobbling and spinning 1,000 mph around its central axis, traveling 67,000 mph in a 584,000,000 mile revolution around the Sun, spiraling 500,000 mph around the Milky Way, while the entire galaxy rockets a ridiculous 670,000,000 mph through the Universe, with all of these motions originating from an alleged Big Bang explosion some 14 billion years ago. That’s a grand total of 670,568,000 mph in several different directions we’re all supposedly simultaneously speeding along at, yet no one in all of human history has ever seen, felt, heard, measured or proven a single one of these motions to exist whatsoever. Meanwhile, we can feel the slightest breeze tickle our skin. I can drive at a cruising speed of 50 mph down the I-95 in my Ford F-350 and feel motion. Tell me you’ve been on a roller coaster and never felt motion. We all feel motion. Globe Believers are relativists, and therefore like to argue this point, because our every real observation in nature is apparently relative to providing the numbers and equations on a chalkboard that make up this tall-tale ball theory. Let’s be practical about this. If any of what NASA says is true, then why haven’t the constellations, with their wild variation of chaotic speeds in an infinite smorgasbord of uncharted destinations, measurably changed in the whole of human history?
  2. NASA says Polaris, or the North Star, is 2 quadrillion miles away. With the speed of travel measurements previously stated under consideration, how is it even conceptually possible that Polaris always maintains its alignment perfectly with the North Pole? Its 2 quadrillion miles away! Also, how can they possibly measure something 2 quadrillion miles away? Again, let’s be practical about this and use common sense. What NASA is really telling you is this. From 2 quadrillion miles away, Polaris is simultaneously mirroring earths every wobbling, spinning, spiraling, and shooting motion, basically mimicking us like two comedians attempting to become the other’s funny reflection in a mirror-less frame, and utilizing acrobatic skills that defy even our 670,000,000 mph too, just to pull off the magic of false perspective as our Ball Earth wildly wobbles, all so that God may fool the bulk of human history into thinking we remain perfectly fixed in place. Wow! Unlike those pyramid builders, I’m so glad we’ve become an enlightened people.
  3. If the earth really revolves around the sun, as Globe Believers claim, then the continual change in our position, all 190,000,000 miles of our supposed annual orbit, should constantly rearrange our own perspective of the stars and constellations above, even if the stars were to remain fixed in place while we rotated. Yet their angles, and the measured distance between each one of them, have never changed in all of human history, not from one week, month, decade, century, or millennia to the next, which permits any rational observer only one conclusion. We’re not being hurdled through space on a ball.
  4. I’ll say this again. In the northern hemisphere you will always see Polaris above the North Pole, – always. If you can see Polaris out of a north facing window, then you can expect to see it out of the very same pane of glass year-round, just as you would see the same painting on the wall next to it year round. With the earth’s annual tilt, orbiting the 190,000,000 miles needed for one complete trip around our sun, such an observation is simply impossible. After a proposed 189 degree orbit the earth would be millions of kilometers out of line with Polaris. Supposing the stars did not move, – the angle of the earth would still have to change continually in order to keep the North Star always above the North Pole.
  5. If the earth is truly a sphere, then Polaris should not be visible anywhere in the southern hemisphere, not a single degree below the equator. In order for this to happen, the observer would have to see through many miles of transparent curvature, and yet the North Star has long been observed by navigators so far south as 20 degrees below the equator, even the Tropic of Capricorn!
  6. By the way, while I may be putting extra special attention on Polaris, many constellations can be seen well beyond the supposed curvature. Aquarius and Libra can be seen from 65 degrees North to 90 degrees South! The constellation Virgo is visible from 80 degrees North down to 80 degrees South, and Orion can be seen from 85 degrees North all the way to 75 degrees South latitude! These are all only possible because the “hemispheres” are not spheres at all but concentric circles of latitude extending outwards from the central North Pole with the stars rotating over and around.
  7. The supposed South Pole star, Sigma Octantis, the Soutern Crux and other constellations cannot be seen simultaneously from every vantage point in the southern hemisphere the way Polaris can in the north. Rather, they sweep over a great southern arc, much as one would expect on a flat, stationary earth, where the southern hemisphere forms the wide outer-rim of our plane.
  8. Long exposure photography produces something we call Star Trails. How can a photographer take a long exposure photo of the night sky and have it come out so seamlessly perfect every time, assuming he doesn’t wobble his own tri-pod, if he is also standing on a spinning, wobbling, tilting ball?
  9. To the careful observer, star trails simply dismantle a globe earth. Take two photographers, one at the North Pole and the other on the equator. They’re both making separate motions, because the person on the North Pole is spinning in tiny carousel-like circles while the person on the equator is being slingshot around the entire circumference of the globe. Yet the two photographers on completely different motions and altitudes of the earths supposed curvature will capture the same trail of stars every time, should they compare notes, with the heavens revolving around Polaris, despite their change of perspective. The only way this is possible, that both photographers could capture the same star trail, is if they’re standing on the same plane of a stationary planet.
  10. “Olber’s Paradox” states that if there were billions of stars which are suns, like ours, then the night sky would be filled completely with light. As Edgar Allen Poe said, “Were the succession of stars endless, then the background of the sky would present us a uniform luminosity, since there could exist absolutely no point, in all that background, at which would not exist a star.” The fact is our night sky is not filled with 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (that’s 1 billion trillion) suns, as NASA claims. Why does the light of so few stars, with visible stars being so far as quadrillions of miles away, reach our planet? It’s because there aren’t that many, nor are they so far away. Such a belief defies rationality.
  11. Despite the brilliant display of stars here on earth, NASA dislikes showing us such majesty in space, if our planet or the moon or any other local planets happen to be in view. Keep that often debated fact in mind. Oh sure, distant galaxies light up in spectacular ways, just not ours. Can you guys at NASA please just flip Hubble around and photograph earth for once? Thanks. Astronomers will strongly contend that stars are visible in space. Actually, they’ll claim, we can see them better from space than through our thick atmosphere, which is the very reason we keep launching satellite telescopes. But aside from their refusal to deliver the goods, there’s another glaring problem. Both Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, along with numerous other Apollo astronauts, contended that they never once saw a single star or planet anywhere during their entire Apollo 11 mission, not in low orbit, lunar orbit, standing on the moon, or anywhere in-between, even if the sun wasn’t in view. NASA has apparently since asked astronauts to change their account of earth orbit, because after fifty years, space travelers can once again see them.
  12. The Bible makes the issue surrounding our sun and stars abundantly clear, and in its very first chapter. There is the greater light to govern the day, our sun; the lesser light to govern the night, our moon; and quite separately, the stars. Not distant suns. In order to convince you that our sun is simply another unimportant star drifting without reason through some cosmic back alley, heliocentric scientists claim there are 10,000,000,000 observable galaxies, each containing 100,000,000,000 stars per galaxy, with a grand total of 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 observable stars in all, and with any number of added planets rotating around those many stars. Um, really? Okay. That may be, as the Copernican model is concerned, but the Bible disagrees. In the first chapter of Genesis, the sun, moon, and stars were placed under the firmament. That would be the glass dome we live under. And does anybody recall what the firmament separated us from? Water. Lots and lots of water. Does anybody recall where the water came from that flooded the whole world? The windows of heaven. The firmament. The stars are under the firmament. The Psalmists later attest to the fact that there’s still a lot of water up there, guys. Thank the Lord, God promised that he’d never flood the world again, despite the fact that we’re all sitting around in a gigantic Shamu splash zone. It makes one wonder what those stars really are, especially since amateur footage seems to indicate that what we’re actually seeing is something very different than what NASA would have us believe. But more on that another time.

Let God be true and every man a liar – Romans 3:4