I CAN’T WAIT TO BE THERE, and I don’t even have a ticket. Why, because it’s a sold out event. Nobody expected such a gathering to be this in-demand. And yet the irony here is that my first FLAT EARH book—title still to be announced—is expected to be premiered at the conference, with author signings surely coming into play. I furthermore have a two-room suite booked in the hotel, just no ticket. I’ve even offered to bus tables and preform late-night janitorial duties, simply in hopes of gaining admittance. Tight security. Oh well. Perhaps we can have author signings in my suite….or from the trunk of my rental car…..back alley, maybe?
It’s no big deal, really. I’m not worried about it. We’ll work something out, and it’s certainly not the reason I’m writing this entry. I’m anxious to attend the conference for the same reason that so many others are, perhaps even some of you; to be surrounded by those who not only hold the same investigative conclusions into the nature of creation, but exemplify the tireless devotion and desire to see the rest of our world in on this timeless truth. Flat Earth is for everybody.
There are those who are making an issue of the conference where there is no issue to be had. Look, there will always be wolves in sheep clothing, both in small ponds and in large ponds, and in streams and in lakes and in oceans. Perhaps wolves will be attending this conference…..perhaps. They’ve already infiltrated the camp of FLAT EARTH. But if its their job to withhold or divert information, then we’ll just continue pushing that information out, exposing them in the process.
I should probably address this family photo. Yes, it’s a selfie—my first ever selfie, actually. Tis true. It was taken in Cape Briton National Park, Nova Scotia, and on a very long 5-hour hike, so I wasn’t exactly looking my best. Are selfie’s still cool with the kids? To mark such a momentous occasion, being 17 years too late, my family decided to jump in. How did we do?
If you are a ticket holder—yes, I’m talking to you, ticket holder—send me a note and I’ll be eager to get to know you better, before our meeting in Raleigh, that is.
Wait, I take that back. I want to get to know so many of you better, ticket or no ticket. I get e-mails almost daily now from individuals who have discovered this world-altering discovery. Some are even phone calls. People feel alone—deathly alone at times—when coming to this knowledge, and they rightfully have questions. Lord willing, I’m always willing to answer when I can. This is what God has called me to.
Ticket or no ticket, I’ll be in Raleigh, come November.
I hope to see you there too.