I HUNG up the phone with Adam Fink of Parable of the Vineyard and went straight for the writer’s desk, feverishly unloading the congestion of sentences onto the electronic page before they floated off into the forever oblivion....
The Sun Standing Still | The Earth Not a Globe Review, January/March 1894
THE SUN STANDING STILL IF any proof were needed that the Bible teaches the doctrine of a stationary earth and a moving sun and moon, it is given in the tenth chapter of the book of Joshua. Here it is recounted how Joshua, the leader of the Israelites after the death...
The Vision Quest At Looking Glass
THE VISION AT LOOKING GLASS Not many men can pinpoint the exact moment they became a man. But I tell you, it is when the responsibilities and sufferings of manhood not only come knocking, but when it knocks the door down, and knocks you on your butt. I had an abrupt...
The Talking Cross: The Mark of the Tav in the Gospel of Peter
23 And they heard a voice from the heavens, saying: You have preached to them that sleep. And a response was heard from the cross: Yea.SEEING double, hmmm? We have been over this verse already is what you’re probably thinking. Well, as a matter of fact, I just...
A Voice From Heaven: The Feminine Holy Spirit in the Gospel of Peter
23 And they heard a voice from the heavens, saying: You have preached to them that sleep. And a response was heard from the cross: Yea.HEARING a voice from heaven indicates that it’s about to get Biblical up in here. There are several occasions in the Gospels when the...
The Vision of Laisren
This vision is in Old Irish and only this fragment remains of the MS. It is dated from the late 9th century to the early 10th century. The figure of Laisren is probably the Abbot of Leighlin, Carlow. He died in 638AD, thus making this MS an Irish Apocryphal work. 1...
The Ultra Violet Light In Hell: New Biblical Findings For the Shroud of Turin
REGARDING the Shroud, it has been argued by Italian researcher Paolo di Lazzara that the radiation was ultraviolet and that the instantaneous burst exceeds the maximum power released by all ultraviolet sources of light available today. It would also require pulses...
One Angel Or Two? & Other Supposed Contradictions at Messiah’s Tomb
21 And in the night when Adonai’s day was drawing on, as the soldiers kept guard to by two in a watch, there was a great voice in the heaven; and they saw the heavens opened, and two men descend from there with great light and approach the tomb. And that stone which...
The Vision Quest Sasquatch Encounter
THE SASQUATCH ENCOUNTER AND THE JACK PINES VISION QUEST Vision quests are a magical experience, a rite of passage and milestone ritual in Native American life. They are a mandatory component of Native American spirituality in building a relationship with the Creator...
The Donner Party: Cannibal Hoaxers of Truckee Lake and Alder Creek
THREE years in the making and I'm finally finished with The Donner Party Hoax. Well, I'm never actually finished with anything. New information comes along all the time, and I'm always discovering. I think you know what I meant by that though. I had initially set out...
The Donner Party Hoax: Cooking Up the Forlorn Hope
DIFFICULT to believe but three entire years have passed since I set out to cover the Donner Party hoax, all of which was a rather obvious extension of California’s M.M.M. psyop, and never once did I cover the part which is synonymous with the Donners. Cannibalism. To...
11 Reasons Why You Should Read the Ancient Texts
NOEL here. I didn't write the following article. This was the third time that TUC community member Edgar Trollip sent in an article. I regularly encourage guest writers, and surprisingly, very few take up the task. When it does happen though and quality work is...
Feminism vs Biblical Womanhood: A Torah Beginners Guide
The world would have us believe that all women (and even men) need to be feminists – that we need to fight for women’s rights and equality, because, of course, there isn’t equality in Western society these days. We are told that women should have a career and...
YHWH Looks Down From the Firmament
I PROBABLY start out saying this every time but it's worth noting anyways. Yvonne first published with The Unexpected Cosmology in November of 2020, which practically makes her a veteran around here. I had initially started following her work some years before that,...
Greta Thunberg: It’s the End of the World As We Know It
GRETA Thunberg. Remember her? Hard to forget. Greta Thunberg, the gift that just keeps on giving. Looks like everybody’s favorite Swede deleted a Tweet from 6/21/2018, but not before some of us were able to file it away with our other hundred-thousand memes. Between...
Revisiting the Donner Party Hoax
EARLIER this week I pulled my 1849 Gold Rush Hoax paper off the shelf and gave it a much needed tune-up. The cleaning continues with this one. I wrote 1849 and 'The Donner Party Hoax' back in the summer of 2020, when nearly everyone was going around suffocating in...
Hero Omelets
The first part - It was 3:15 in the morning on a muggy Thursday. The Village Inn on Yale in Tulsa, Oklahoma had four customers. None of them were drunk, normal, or fictitious. The coffee was hot and the omelets were delicious. No one was talking, they were all focused...
San Francisco: Millennial Kingdom City
BACK then, when I published this paper a whopping three years ago, I titled it: 'The 1849 California Gold Rush Was a Hoax'. Technically, that is still the title of what you're about to read (or not read). I simply haven't worked on it since it's original release, and...
The Fort Sumpter Civil War Hoax: Eyewitness Testimony
FYI, the reason for this update has little to do with Civil War cartoon propagandist. That was just an added bonus. In reality, it has everything to do with a phone conversation I held yesterday with Andrew Lankes. Don’t know him? You should. We were shooting the...
The Watchers Released: Cryptoexplosions & the Great Serpent Mound
EVER since publishing this paper a week or two ago, I’ve been bombarded with interest and excitement alike from my reading audience as well as the predictable pendulum swing of the eyeballs from my Holy Roller critics. The meteor craters in particular is what they’re...
Deadhead & the Search for God: The Zen Garcia Story
HAS it been four years since the original release of ‘The Zen Garcia Story?’ And here I was, gearing up for a sizable expansion of our interviews. Blame it on Covid, I guess. The world changed overnight, and duty called. I had trained for that moment and my orders had...
Der Golem & The Batman: The First Golem
BECAUSE I'm always on the lookout for new material, I offer you a complete overhaul of one of my more obscure papers, Golem & The Batman. You can expect several new pages this time around. What you are about to read (or not read) originally started out as...
The Yahusha and Yahuah Connection: Who Is Our Heavenly Father?
MY friend and fellow researcher as well as Paleo-Hebrew expert Pamela Glasgow has turned in the most excellent research paper regarding the identity of Yahusha HaMashiach (though many of you know him as Jesus Christ) and Yahuah Elohiym (again, many of you know him as...
The Temple Mount Hoax: Judaism’s Part In Jerusalem’s 70AD Destruction
TO this very day, Judaism is identified with the rabbinic tradition of the Parashiym and vice versa. That is to say, the ancient Hebrew faith contained neither Judaism nor the Parashiym and there is no Judaism to be had without them. If you don’t believe me then...
Mary Magdalene, Wife of Messiah: Her Lover, the Roman Centurion
A CURIOUS thing happened on the way to the tomb. Kepha thought to name the centurion in the Besorah which bears his name, and why do you suppose that is? I have a thought or two on the matter and I’m curious what yours might be. You probably don’t have the faintest...
Petronius: The Roman Centurion Who Guarded Messiah’s Tomb Was a Believer
19 And Pilate gave them Petronius the centurion with soldiers to guard the tomb. And with them came elders and scribes to the sepulcher and having rolled a great stone together with the centurion and the soldiers, they all together who were there set it at the door of...
Mary Magdalene, Wife of Messiah: Further Evidence at the Burial of Yahusha
WELL, well, well, what have we here? A new Bible memory verse stating precisely what I’ve been trying to say all along, though very few cares about Yahusha’s beloved enough to notice. Every person present at the tomb was a member of his family. Read it for yourself...
The Death of Kenneth Anger: His Dr. Alfred Kinsey and Charlie Manson Connections
KENNETH Anger is someone whom I've never put a focus on before. Yes, he was mentioned in my Manson paper, particularly due to his Vito Paulekas and Masonite Bobby Beausoleil connection, but only in passing. For whatever reason, it wasn't until his recent passing that...
The Lost Holocaust Episode Is Finally Available
COMING to you from YouTube jail! Again! 'The Holocaust Hoax: The Truth About Aschwitz I & II' is one of my long lost TUC LIVE episodes. I've been kind of just sitting on the video for a while not really sure what to do with it, and really, this is exactly why you...
There Were No Toilets In the Millennial Kingdom: The Versailles Poop Problem
ONCE the poo-poo potty was finally introduced to Victorian era Europe, the French apparently didn’t know what to do with them, seeing as how they were so used to crapping themselves, but mostly just taking a dump while they walked. And no, I am not making this shit...