IS it mass shooting psyop season again, already? Between this and the lame attempt at an alien invasion, the 2023 calendar is one in which the Gubbernment appears to be laying down the same cards, repeatedly, hoping we don’t notice that they’re all out of original...
The Biblical Masoretic and LXX Timeline Variants In Light of the Mandela Effect
THIS world is a very strange place to inhabit in case you haven’t noticed already, and I happen to like it that way. The Lion & the Lamb is a book I published recently, and as you may have already guessed, it focuses upon the phenomenon known as the Mandela...
Is the Nanteos Cup the Holy Grail?
NORMALLY, I wouldn’t pay much attention to the claim which has long insisted that the Nanteos Cup is the Holy Grail. There is something like 200 contenders for the Grail in Europe alone, this being one of them, and so, I’m certainly not claiming this to be the one...
The Acts of Andrew
THE ACTS OF ANDREI 1 After the Ascension, the apostles dispersed to preach in various countries. Andrai began in the province of Achaia, but Mattithyahu went to the city of Mermidona. (The rest of 1 and the whole of 2 give a short abstract of the Acts of Andrai and...
Unexpected Memes: The Israel–Hamas War
Unexpected Memes: The Israel-Hamas War
Doppelgangers: Joseph and Abraham’s Celestial Doubles
YESTERDAY I wrote about the Apostle Peter's guardian angel (as per Acts 12), and today I'm covering two more Biblical figures, Joseph and Abraham. They too have guardian angels, and guess what? They're all Doppelgangers. If you would like to read this article, the PDF...
Doppelgangers: The Apostle Peter’s Celestial Double in Acts 12
15 And they said unto her, You are mad. But she constantly affirmed that it was even so. Then said they: It is his angel [angelos ἄγγελός]. Ma’asiym (Acts of the Apostles) 12:15LET me see if I have this right. Kepha is standing outside of the house of Yochanon-Marqus,...
The Hidden Realm: The Globe Earth Deception in Tolkien’s ‘Rings of Power’
NEARLY an entire year has gone by between the last paragraph and this one. I would ask where the time has gone but most of you already know the years are short whereas the days are long. And as you are also likely aware, I have many topical papers to tend to, most of...
The Idols We Keep: A Torah Beginners Guide
When we think of idols what usually comes to mind is the golden calf, asherah poles on the hills rising out of the mist, and the fiery furnaces of Moloch. But, if we are really honest with ourselves, we can find little idols hiding in our lives, obscure and anything...
Princess Kaguya: A Preexistence Tale
EVERY so often I succumb to the unfolding story and shed a tear. I cried at the ending of ‘Terminator 2: Judgement Day’. I cried when William Wallace howled for freedom from the torturers table in ‘Braveheart’. And then there is that home viewing of ‘Dirty Dancing’...
Captain EO and Freemasonry: The Key To Unlocking the Beauty Within
HERE is another olddie but goodie which is pulled from the shelf, dusted off, and upddated for your reading pleasure. It has been my goal to convert all of my articles into PDF files for my serial readers and TUC subscribers but that is a behemoth task, seeing as how...
Total Recall: MK-Ultra, Antiquitech, & Free Energy
EVERYBODY’S favorite Astro-not Buzz Aldrin has a very limited wardrobe, it seems. I hadn’t the faintest clue how deprived of variety it was until my latest reconnaissance mission in the Intel-net, which I just so happen to have completed a few minutes ago. You’ve...
Origins of Baphomet: Templars, Tartaria, Millennial Kingdom, & Mosques
THERE is always going to be opposition to any new idea put forward, though I think of these outings as a search for the Mysteries, ancient Truths which have been hidden from us, and also, a study in controlled opposition. My recent suggestion that the two fingers...
The Narnia Reset: Tartaria, Millennial Kingdom, Multiverse, and Recreation in ‘The Magician’s Nephew’
JUST yesterday I wrote a paper on the Multiverse as it pertains to science fiction writer Philip K. Dick and the very first Mandela Effect, which just so happens to be the long-lost Millennial Kingdom of Yahusha HaMashiach. It’s the one where, amazingly, much of what...
The Millennial Kingdom Already Happened: Philip K. Dick & the First Mandela Effect
EVERYONE seems to think Nelson Mandela was the first Mandela Effect, but then what about Hitler winning the War? I bet you forgot about that one already. Philip K. Dick wrote about it in his 1962 novel, ‘The Man in the High Castle.’ It wasn’t simply a matter of...
The Splitting of the Mount of Olives & the Glorious Appearing In 70 AD
IT isn’t split down the middle so far as I can tell. Do you see a split? I don’t. My eyesight is still pretty good, though if yours happens to soar beyond the 20/20 rule, then do tell. On closer inspection, there is a road which seemingly divides the north and south...
Unexpected Memes: The Mexico Alien Hoax
Vesica Piscis: The Sacred Divine In Millennial Kingdom Architecture
A funny thing happened on the way to the seashore. Shim’on Kepha pulled in the net and began calculating the great many fish that he’d caught. 153 was the final tally. That’s a very specific number. I mean, Yochanon likely seized various numbers of fish on any given...
TUC Magazine Issue 005 October 2023 Release!
001 June 2023003 August 2023003 August 2023004 September 2023005 October 2023Subscribe to TUC MagazineMight I suggest a monthly membership? TUC Magazine delivered to your mailbox or doorstep. I’m dedicated to a minimal of 12 issues and this is just another way that...
Biblical Parenting: A Torah Beginners Guide
There is so much parenting advice floating around these days. From pregnancy onwards, well-meaning friends and family feel the need to load you with all their opinions, advice and parenting hacks. From whether or not to vaccinate, to schooling options, what to wear,...
The Patty Hearst Kidnapping Hoax: Patricia’s Acting Credentials
Oh, well now, will you look at that? We have another Patty Hearst sighting, and she is standing next to someone, a woman. I haphazardly stumbled upon the duo while on another recoinassance mission in the Intel-net and curiousity got the better of me. What is going on...
The JFK Assassination Hoax: The Magic Bullet Was Planted Evidence
Among JFK’s secret service detail on the 22nd of November was somebody by the name of Paul Landis. He is 88 years old at present and still kicking whereas the bucket is nowhere in sight, but also, as of September 10, 2023, he has a story to tell, a new story. How is...
JFK: The Longest Living President In History
CLICKBAIT is probably what you're thinking. Well, maybe it is or maybe it isn't. You'll have to find that much out for yourself. Some have suggested that JFK became Jimmy Carter and I couldn't really say either way. If it is true then it would also seem certain that...
From JFK To Jonestown: A History of Hoaxes and the MK-Ultra Program
YOU’VE probably been wondering where I’ve been for the last couple of weeks. I’m trying to recall all the street corners and the businesses, but really, aside from my trips to the grocery store and my go-to burrito hangout, I’ve been here slaving for you the reader....
Yom Kippur: The Jacob and Esau Connection
EDGAR Trollip's latest article involves Yom Kippur, also known as the Day of Atonement, which is one of Yahuah's feast days and a is intended as a holy day of affliction and self-humility. I won't give everything else away but as you can already tell by the title it...
The Acts of Barnabas
THE ACTS OF BAR-NAVIY Since from the descent of the presence of our Savior Yahusha HaMashiach, the unwearied and benevolent and mighty Shepherd and Teacher and Physician, I beheld and saw the ineffable and holy and unspotted mystery of the Christians, who hold the...
Richard Simmons Never Wore a Headband: The Latest Mandela Effect
BOB Ross has yet to become a mugging victim of the Mandela Effect so far as my knowledge goes. Why the hold up? With all those happy accidents, you’d think he would be the perfect candidate for a mistake in the Matrix or two. Well, today is the big day when I pop the...
Is ‘We Three Kings’ Another Mandela Effect?
PK is an acronym for Pastor’s Kid and that is what I was. When the church doors opened, I was there, planting my bum in the theater chair. Resumes such as that one pretty much qualifies me to make the following claim. Some of you are already rolling your eyes,...
Sinbad Is Gaslighting Us With the ‘Shazaam’ Movie Mandela Effect
SINBAD retains no memories whatsoever of the genie movie which many among the Mandela Effected adamantly claim to have watched in the Nineties; a bargain bin feature never quite attaining the rank of cult classic but which he also just so happened to star in, and I...
Waking Up To the End of the Millennial Kingdom: Closing the Mind’s Eye
Several months ago, I put forward the theory that the Thousand-Year Reign of Mashiach was dependent in part within the Mind’s Eye. There was a physical reality co-existing with the spiritual awakening of souls until the spiritual was removed from the equation due to...