LOOK, I’m not saying a crash course in Carl Jung is necessary for an understanding of Princess Kaguya. Jung died in 1961, fifty years and some change before the Japanese anime movie was released in 2014. I’m not even sure if ‘The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter’ landed on...
Noel Joshua Hadley
Azazel and the Five Satans in Enoch
AZAZEL and the Five Satans sounds like the name of a heavy metal band gone doowop. I have covered Aza'zel in other places though I do believe this will be the first time I've devoted an entire paper to understanding him, particularly his connection with the Scapegoat...
Mary Magdalene and the Holy Grail: Galahad’s Part in the Tale
SIR Galahad also had a part to play in this, being a Grail finder and all. After pushing the publish button on the first leg of my report, I was mostly just waiting around for the pitchfork and torch committee. They have wizened up to their ways, it seems, having...
Wastelands of the Seraphim: Dragons of Second Century Apocrypha
‘WASTELANDS of the Seraphiym’ may not be the first investigative paper that I’ve written on the subject of Stolen His-Story, though it was the first with the Millennial Kingdom of Yahusha Ha’Mashiach secured soundly in mind. Initially, there were many questions and...
The 10 Commandments and the 613 Laws
34 But when the Pharisees heard that He had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together. 35 Then one of them, a lawyer, asked Him a question, testing Him, and saying, 36 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Torah?” 37 Yahushua said to him, “‘You shall...
The Predictive Programming of Michael J Fox’s Parkinson’s In the Back To the Future Movies
In the Future, Parkinson’s takes center stage when TIME Magazine names Michael J. Fox one of the 100 most influential people of the year. Which year are we talking about, exactly? It just happened in 2024, April 17, which is last week by my current estimate, though it...
The Queen of Sheba, Mary Magdalene, and Lilith Connection
BECAUSE I'm sure you all love a good connection or two, I'm giving you three of them. Actually, Sheba is not only connected with Lilith, her last known whereabouts makes even more stunning connections to the greater realm, particularly The Hidden Wilderness and Eden,...
Mary Magdalene and the Holy Grail
“STOP beating around the bush and finally get to it,” is what everyone’s been telling me since day one of this investigation. “If Miryam of Migdal is the betrothed of Mashiach, as you suggest, then what of the Holy Grail and were there children involved?” is all...
Mary Magdalene and the Garden of Gethsemane
EARLIER today I published an expansive addition to my Mary Magdalene: Second Eve paper, an obvious reference to Mashiach's role as Second Adam, which got me thinking about Adam and Eve in the Garden. But then, in turn, the Garden of Paradise got me thinking about the...
Second Eve, Serpent Seed, and Mary Magdalene
AFTER publishing my latest article on the betrothed of Messiah, Mary Magdalene and the Mandala, I felt a renewed vigor on the investigation, and so decided to dip into my former research, greatly expounding upon it. Case in point, I've not only reworked 'Second Eve',...
Noah’s Ark Was a Medieval Pilgrimage Destination
WHEN setting out to write 'The Pilgrim's Path: Travels Through the Millennial Kingdom' a month or so ago, Noach's ark being as an actual destination was always in the back of my mind. It's why I went back in and added 13 new pages to the original report. My intent was...
Passover: The Unicorn and Sheol Exodus
He is the reason for the season. I am talking about the Pesach season if you were wondering. I was hoping to get this paper out before Pesach kicks off, however I might be a tad late on the early calendars. In the worst case it will be almost a year early for the 2025...
Living Biblically Clean in the New Testament
We are called by YAHUAH to live holy, set apart, and clean as far as possible. But what does being Biblically “clean” even mean, and how do we keep ourselves clean according to Scripture? Biblical cleanliness has to do with physical cleanliness, healthiness, being...
Mary Magdalene and the Mandala
2BDY5GH Fludd's Quod Universa Coelorum, 1617 SOMETHING like a year of my life has come and gone since I last committed to writing a new paper on Miryam of Migdal. Supposing you missed out on my creative streak, the anointing of Yahusha Ha’Mashiach doesn’t simply...